Mozart Moments Layout
27 February ~ Hooded Baby
A Girl's Gotta Have Her Lipstick
Outfit.... Take Three!
Today was just one of those super messy days for Miss. S.... so this is outfit #3 for the day. It's just toooooo nice outside to not play!
25 February ~ I'll love you 'til the cows come home...
Today was such a beautiful day that we had to make a trip to the park. We packed our snacks, put on our sun hats, and walked (you rode in your wagon) down to the community park. You absolutely loved playing in the grass and being outside. With a day like today, what's not to love! Anyway, the title of this post should be somewhat self-explanatory... a fun little cow-print outfit is always an essential in any little girls closet.
24 February ~ A Day in the Life
23 February ~ Girls Night at the Gaylord
This was a sweet little shot I took with my phone of S while we were looking over her Nana's new house.
21 February ~ Vote Early, Vote Often
I firmly believe in the power of the voting process. I believe you can't complain about our system of government, unless you vote and make your ideas and beliefs known. Anyway, this is Sailer's second time to go to the polls. I hope she always sees its importance and the absolute gift that right is!
February 20 ~ 29+1 and counting....
Tutu Style
19 February ~ Don't Stick Your Tongue Out at Me
I did work on a little mini album- entitled "My 2 cents" that I'll upload shortly!
18 February ~ Images of Grace
Sailer is in her second photo contest of the month! This time it's with Images of Grace, and I just love her work! Go vote for #19 at if you get a chance!!!!
17 February ~ Mozart Moments
There's a funny story behind these photos. Sailer went antique shopping with her mommy and mimi on Friday and discovered this precious piano. In perfect Sailer fashion, she decided to put on a little concert for all of the fellow patrons. Banging and banging and banging some more. So of course, we had to buy the stinkin "baby" baby grand piano. Unfortunately, when Sailer thought we were leaving it behind, she threw the biggest fit to date. Now included with the fake cry is the super back bend. Everyone in the huge antique mall knew one little girl wanted her way! And she did.
13 February ~ Denim Day
The funny thing about this post is that I don't believe in little baby girls and denim. Sound weird? Well, when I found out I was pregnant, my sweet grandmother, Mur, was so excited. During one of our conversations about the coming princess, she said, "just please don't dress her in denim. No little baby girl needs to wear denim when there are such pretty outfits out there to buy instead." Well, it stuck with me...and I have not put a pair of jeans on my little girl since! Until today, that is. I thought the heart embellishment girlied them up enough. I tell you what though- I don't plan on putting any jeans back on her for awhile! Good lord, they're hard to get on and off for diaper changes. They are definitely NOT worth the trouble. I don't know what I'm going to do if I have a little boy. I know denim is sort of a staple.
12 February ~ "Bubba"-licious
11 February ~ I XOXO You!
10 February ~ We Did It!!!
9 February ~ Grady's Girl
Today was Sailer's boyfriend, Grady's, 1st birthday party! The had a blast at Little Gym- of course, my daughter was fearless as usual. She doesn't really get scared about anything. Today was no different. Instead of being scared on the blow up mat like many of the kids, Sailer just laughed and crawled all over (especially trying to go on the big kids' side). To make the day special, Sailer wore an outfit that boasted "Grady's Girl"! Though we laugh that they'll likely grow up more like brother and's still fun to see them together.
8 February ~ Leap of Faith
We officially took a leap of faith and put our house on the market and bid on another one. It's absolutely beautiful, and we're beyond excited about the possibility of moving into it very soon. It's a little overwhelming right night....keeping your house viewer-ready with a little one who likes to spread her toys all over the house is quite a challenge. With all of that said, I know that it's in God's hands, and he will deliver us wherever he wants us to be. I can't wait!
5 February ~ Fat Tuesday
Hand to Hold
Daddy Loves Apple!
4 February ~ Mood Swings
One thing about babies that I've learned is that they can switch moods in a matter of seconds. One minute they're laughing, the next minute they're throwing a little fit, and the next they're deep in thought about who only knows what. I wish for day I could live in Sailer's world.
This morning after our walk I took a few pics of Sailer, and it just positively captured two of her moods. I love, love, love to watch her laugh. Her laugh mysteriously finds its way all the way up to her eyes, and it's simply contagious to anyone around. BUT in a matter of seconds, she finds herself deep in some thought. She doesn't let anything pass without complete examination. I love that too.
3 February ~ Sailer's Best Pal
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