OMG- I just can't tell you how hard I laughed today as I dressed Sailer in her little bikini! I just love stinkin' cute! Today we celebrated one of Sailer's friends' birthdays- it was a fun carnival themed pool party! And Sailer could not get enough of the pool. She just went crazy and kept running for it, so her daddy finally got in with her. Oh, and she also tried to kiss her first boy today....right in front of her daddy too. Colten better run! (=
30 May ~ Somebody please let me in....
28 May ~ Always Pretty in Pink....
Perfect Day
Sunday night, Scrapping the Music disclosed their newest challenge. It's the song "Perfect Day" by Hoku. Here was my take...

Happy Memorial Day!!
Today we celebrated the holiday with some house shopping (will it ever end?!?!?) and then, ate at Mark's parents' house and stayed up playing games (which Bill won every time it seemed!)
The pictures below are of Sailer in her nursery at her Nana's house.... she obviously discovered the mother load of stuffed animals...
Just Playing Around...
Ok- I've been a terrible blogger this past week.... but it's just been A LOT going on at our house(s), not to mention, I was without a computer for a few days. So anyway, here are some shots of all of the kiddos playing Sunday night over at some friends' house. It was supposed to be a poker party but it turned into more of a game night... good thing since I have no idea how to play poker. (=
Don't you just love the shots of the big girls pulling the bebes down the hill.
Don't you just love the shots of the big girls pulling the bebes down the hill.
22 May ~ It's All in the Accessories
Aren't these glasses hilarious?!?! The picture looks like she's not too pleased with them, but funny enough, she crawls around with them on and tries to put them on all the time.
And I just had to take a photo of mommy and baby jellies? Isn't it typical... mine were $3bucks at Target, and her's that are a 1/3 of mine were $20. Oh well, her's are so much cuter!
20 May ~ Beautiful in Charcoal
I had a charcoal drawing of Miss. S done for Mark- was supposed to be for Father's Day, but I couldn't wait to give it to him. The incredibly talented artist, Barbara Hack, did it. Can you believe it took her 45 MINUTES?!?! Isn't that pure genius? Anyway, here's just a little "tweaking" of it for fun...
19 May ~ Cheesy Smile
18 May ~ Light in your Eyes
Scrapping the Music just went live with their newest challenge... this week's song is Breathe In, Breathe Out by Matt Kearney. I didn't utilize the title but the sweet lyrics instead. Here's my take with a few close-ups... esp. for those of you who make fun of me for refusing to join the stamping band wagon! (=
17 May ~ Choo Choo
Today we got to go to a kiddie b-day party for Sailer's pal, Jaxon.... isn't that such a fun train???? And then, headed to a grown up surprise party, which was equally a blast. And in the midst of all of that, we did lots of house shopping!! Whooo- what a tiring day! I'll leave you with a cute pic of my two sweeties...
Sweet sensations
My 2 Cents

This little album is something I've been working on and off on for awhile and is very special to me.... it was made as my gift for Sailer's 1st birthday. I entitled it "My 2 Cents" because it is a book of advice for her re: life, love, and everything in between.
Here are page 2 & 3 along with my journaling...

Sailer, this book is to celebrate your 1st Birthday. Wow- where has the past year gone? I love you more than you'll ever know- so much so my heart aches when I just look at you lying in your crib. I started this little book with the intention of just highlighting some of your funniest moments from the last year, but it turned into more of a diary of what I pray you become. As the title reflects, it's my "2 cents" on what I hope, pray & dream for you. Sweet girl, you are my dream come true. I love you and Happy Birthday, Mommy
I wish for you
(1) to know, love and fear God...He's the only one who'll never let you down.
(2) to find love, plain and simple.
(3) for you to always be kind and respectful to others (no matter their circumstances)
(4) to have wealth, and not just the financial kind.
(5) to love being a mom as much as I do (if you decide that's your path.)
(6) find joy in all you do.
Here are page 4 & 5 along with my journaling...

Sailer, just as the pic shows, you live out loud! I hope you're always passsionate and live life to its fullest. Don't sit on the sidelines (unless you have to). Don't be a bystander. Be confident. Be a player. Be a lover. Be a friend. Be anything you feel you're meant to be. Never settle. Always fly to the highest peak you can. Should you fall, I'll catch you.
Here are page 6 & 7 along with my journaling...

Rules of the Game
Number of Players: 2
Objective of the Game: Forever
Equipment Required: I'll let you figure it out....
Sailer, First and foremost, my hope for you is to marry a Godly man * who makes you a better person but loves you just as you are; * who encourages and aids you in attaining anything you dream to achieve; * who looks at you with renewed love and respect daily; * who is a gentleman; * who loves and protects your family above all else; * who is honest, hard-working, passionate, loyal, loving, patient and kind; * who is someone you look at and are proud of daily; * who makes you laugh out loud; * who is your best friend not just your lover. Just find someone who makes you happy and adores you MORE than I do. (Because I can't give you to someone who loves you any less.) Love is what you should live for, pray for, dream for. It begins and ends wars for a reason. It is paramount. And p.s. you have all my love.
Here are page 8 & 9 along with my journaling...

Remember to laugh way more than you cry. Try to find the good in others as opposed to seeing their faults. Try to look at the world for its possibilities and not its shortcomings. Life is way too short to be negative- so girlie, think positive and believe in others as well as yourself. Let your hair down & enjoy the ride!
Here are page 10 & 11 along with my journaling...

3-26-07, the day I became a mom was my proudest moment. I pray you experience that joy one day.
And the final page...

So for whatever my two cents are worth, no matter what you do or who you become, you always have a place in this house.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my sappy love letter to my baby. xoxo, the mommy
13 May ~ Delight in the Little Things
How cool is this??? The Scarlet Lime May newsletter just came out today, and my little LO below was included....

This is a quick LO I did from this month's Scarlet Lime kit. Gotta hand it to Christy Tomlinson, she always knocks it out of the park! It's one of the pictures I took of S yesterday at the arboretum.
This is a quick LO I did from this month's Scarlet Lime kit. Gotta hand it to Christy Tomlinson, she always knocks it out of the park! It's one of the pictures I took of S yesterday at the arboretum.
12 May ~ A Day In the Midst of Natural Beauty
Today Sailer and I spent the morning at the Dallas Arboretum with her sweet friend, Hope. The entire place is breathtaking! We played in the gardens, had a picnic, played with an assortment of animals....and of course, took tons of pictures to capture the day.
And btw, the pictures of Sailer crying (which I won't lie, are some of my favorites) is because she apparently despised the hat. I brought it out and she instantly went into meltdown! Crazy girl!
Mother's Day 2008
All holidays are special- but for me, this one is one of the most special. Becoming a mother a little over a year ago has without a doubt been one of the greatest gifts the Lord has given me. Sailer is such a blessing- the love I have for her is so great it hurts sometimes. To celebrate, we first went to church with my mother and grandparents- to the first church I ever attended. We then, met, Mark's parents for lunch up at the club which was yummy as always. And finally.... golf with friends! Here are a few of my favorite snapshots of the day:
So here's the rest of the pics from the day:
Mark's 35th Surprise Party
I did it!! I actually surprised Mark for his birthday with a beer and bowling party! He was surrounded by so many of his great friends- he couldn't have celebrated any better!
7 May ~ We love teddy grams at this house!
So beautiful...
This is a LO I did that features pictures of Sailer as a newborn and as a 1 year old.... my, how she's grown and changed, but nevertheless beautiful at both stages! What's so funny about this LO is that the patterned paper that I used at the top of the page is exactly the same as the fabric I used for her shower curtain...
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