This weekend, Mark's dad and stepmom came down to see Sailer, the house, and just spend some quality time. It was eventful as you can imagine when all the James boys get together... you'll have to ask Mark how he hurt his shoulder b/c it is not family-friendly enough to include here. Anyway, I wanted to include a few quick pics of Sailer with the grands.
20 Sept ~ Grandpa came to town
This weekend, Mark's dad and stepmom came down to see Sailer, the house, and just spend some quality time. It was eventful as you can imagine when all the James boys get together... you'll have to ask Mark how he hurt his shoulder b/c it is not family-friendly enough to include here. Anyway, I wanted to include a few quick pics of Sailer with the grands.
19 Sept ~Take me out the Ballgame (or not so much...)
I've been BEGGING to go to the Rangers game all season! Growing up in my house, we learned a healthy (ok, maybe unhealthly) love for the game. I love everything about ballgames- watching it, the people-watching, the FOOD, being outside, all of it! Anyway, we were supposed to go as a family...yes, Sailer included... to the game on Friday night. I was beyond pumped! Well, Friday came and in preparation for weekend houseguests, I worked my little tail off far beyond what I should have... I already have a hard enough staying awake these days, but with all the housework, I could barely move. Add to that, my perfect little angel was NOT in a very good mood, so I made the grown-up decision to forego the game. Heartbroken. Anyway, I didn't want Mark to miss it just because his wife can't stay awake, so he went with the rest of the group to the game. When I woke up the next morning.... there were these on my vanity.
If you know me at all, I'm fairly certain you know that I'm not a jersey kind of girl.... however, my hubby knows me well b/c I firmly believe Swarovski crystals can fix anything. (= We had to take a few pics in them to pretend we were ready for the game.
And finally, every ballgame isn't complete until you do the wave....
18 Sept ~ Outside FINALLY!
Gotta love the halloween oreos.....

I finally rejoined the land of the living today, so after picking her up from school, Sailer's Nana and I took her for an afternoon at the park. It was absolutely beautiful weather, so we stayed for quite awhile. Like most kids, Sailer loves, loves, loves to go up and down the slide, so we did that for what seemed like forever. Then, climbed a little, swang a lot... side note: she cut her eyes and flirted with the little boy on the swing beside her.... t-r-o-u-b-l-e.

I finally rejoined the land of the living today, so after picking her up from school, Sailer's Nana and I took her for an afternoon at the park. It was absolutely beautiful weather, so we stayed for quite awhile. Like most kids, Sailer loves, loves, loves to go up and down the slide, so we did that for what seemed like forever. Then, climbed a little, swang a lot... side note: she cut her eyes and flirted with the little boy on the swing beside her.... t-r-o-u-b-l-e.
17 Sept ~ Bringing the Playground Home
Our poor house has been under the weather for the most of the week, and poor Sailer has been forced to stay inside (which she is definitely not keen about) as a result. We bought Sailer this little gym about a few weeks ago, and it has been a lifesaver the past few days. We can go in the door to play house, crawl through the various holes or zip down the slide like at the park. Mommy and baby love it!
Bye friend...

I just wanted to post a small good bye to a friend of mine who was killed this past Friday. She was simply driving to work and without warning, her life was cut short at the hands of a drunk college kid. She leaves behind a husband and three precious children, so their family needs as many thoughts and prayers as you can spare. To say a quick thing about Aleida.... she was my first friend when I joined Scrapping the Music. She was the first to make you feel welcome, to encourage you, to make a smartallic remark, to just make you laugh out loud... she was bigger than life. And to say she will be sorely missed just doesn't cover it.
A day in my Pom's Garden
There is very little that gives my Pom greater joy than his plants... he is a natural (why couldn't I get that gene??) and always has the most beautiful yard. He's that guy that continually wins Yard of the Month and you just can't understand how his flowers and lawn look beautiful year round.
Anyway, my sweet Pom had a stint put in on Friday, so Sailer and I went to see him this weekend and they had quite a ball together. She loves him and has completely captured him heart as well. I had to take a few pics of her out amongst the lush green.
Just a little fluff...
Another day of school... sorry it seems I only take her pictures on these days lately, but the morning sickness curbs both of our ability to get dressed in the morning! )= I'm praying that subsides VERY soon. Anyway, Sailer loved this little outfit and played with the fur all day!
We often take this little wagon out when we get home... she just giggles when she sees it. This particular day she made me smile so big because she just had to lay down and let the sun hit her face. She layed like this the entire ride. Don't I wish I could live in her perfect little world just one day?
Made with Love by Grandma
6 Sept ~ Tumbling Toddlers
YEAH- today was Sailer's first day of gymnastics!
I decided to start her along with her sweet friend, Addison.
She was a natural... she loved the bars and mastered her front roll!!
I've loved gymnastics my entire life, so this was heaven for me!
We're doing 6 months of mommy and me classes to get her acquainted with it all, and then, when she's a little more comfortable we'll go for the real deal sans mommy!
If today was any inclination of how much she's going to love it, I'm beyond thrilled!
4 Sept ~ Second Day of School/ Teddy Bear Picnic
Well, I still am struggling a little bit leaving Sailer in the morning.
But I know that it's so good for her to have the interaction with other kids for a longer period of time and on a consistent basis...
not to mention she apparently is LOVING her art and music classes.
It's perfect because there are only 7 kids and 3 teachers so there is so much hands on attention. That makes me feel a lot more confident about it!
Today they had all the kids bring their favorite teddy bear to have a "teddy bear picnic".... man, I wish I had a picture of it!! Don't think I didn't contemplate trying to sneak in to do so.
2 Sept ~ First day of school
I cannot believe she's actually old enough to go to mother's day out...but she is! )=
She started the Enrichment Academy this week, and so far has LOVED it!!
It hit me like a ton of bricks today how big she's getting- I just loved that she wanted to carry her own lunch in.
She got a little fussy when she figured out that I was leaving... but that lasted all of 2 minutes (yes, I stood outside of the door to listen).
When I picked her up at the end, the teachers said that she seemed to be the social one of the class (go figure...) and that she was an angel ( child??)!
Anyway, it was a great day for both of us...
Labor Day Baby
This is my labor day baby dressed in ONE of her cute sailor outfits.... she was waiting for some of her friends to come over! We had a few couples come over to celebrate the holiday, but called it a fairly early night because to many of Sailer's "big girl" friends were starting kindergarten the next morning. Man, they grow up too fast!!
21 August ~ D-day!
20 August ~ Answered prayers and Bittersweet Endings
I've been praying for so many months for the Lord to bring a suitable buyer for our home and for him to direct us where He wants us to be. I'm embarressed to say that I got frustrated with His timing sometimes... it felt like the sale of our house was never going to happen and that we were never going to find "our" house. WHY DO I QUESTION?!?!? As I should always know, His timing is perfect. The sale today was definitely an answer to my prayers; although it is definitely a bittersweet day. This is the house that we lived in when we first married, where Sailer was born, did so many of her "firsts." And mostly, I'm sad to leave her room. There was so much love that went into putting her room together....

I had to take one last photo of Sailer in front of her first house.
I had to take one last photo of Sailer in front of her first house.
Mommy loves pigtails!
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