Tonight, Sailer met up with her pals Mackenzie, Jack & Sophie (along with me and her Nana & Papa) and went to a Halloween Carnival up at Timarron CC. From the balloon bust to the cake walk to the pumpkin bowling, the kiddos seemed to have a blast. And as someone pointed out, Sailer has NO IDEA that she's the smallest one around... she thinks she's just as big as all the rest of the kids. I love that about her!
30 Oct ~ Timarron Halloween Carnival
Tonight, Sailer met up with her pals Mackenzie, Jack & Sophie (along with me and her Nana & Papa) and went to a Halloween Carnival up at Timarron CC. From the balloon bust to the cake walk to the pumpkin bowling, the kiddos seemed to have a blast. And as someone pointed out, Sailer has NO IDEA that she's the smallest one around... she thinks she's just as big as all the rest of the kids. I love that about her!
30 Oct ~ Noah's Ark Festival
Today Sailer's school hosted a Noah's Ark Festival to celebrate in lieu of a Halloween you can see, my little baby was a zebra (albeit a fashionable one... just love those boots) amongst the rest of her animal pals. I went and worked at the pumpkin patch portion helping the little ones decorate their pumpkins. Sailer on the other hand got to enjoy all kinds of fun times... crafts, music, playtime, games, pumpkin decorating, etc.
29 Oct ~ Reverse Trick-or-Treat
Boo at the Zoo
Tonight we took Sailer and Grady to Boo at the Zoo... needless to say, they got a lot more out of it this year than they did last year. They got to see all the animals (that Sailer's daddy had killed )= ), trick-or-treated, ate lots of sweets, and played with all kinds of fun games in the tot center. They were so cute!
Dinner Club
I WISH I had pics from the night... but somehow I was running around and completely forgot. We had such a great time- with 12 other couples over for dinner, it was a full house! After lots of yummy food, the girls hung out outside and talked about everything under the sun, while the boys watched football and then, to my great dismay, started up a never-ending session of rock band. Which ended at 4:30 AM! Let's just say that Mark and I woke up 20 minutes before we were supposed to be at the service. We made it, but we looked really, really good. (=
26 Oct ~ Baby, you are blessed
22 Oct ~ My Little Ladybug
Today, four of Sailer's friends threw a fun Halloween party, and of course, my child wanted to stay in the bounce house the entire party! In and out... in and out... in and out. This mama was so dang tired by the end that she just wanted to collapse. These are photos of my little ladybug in her little house.
21 Oct ~ 1 little monkey....
Circus Bound...twice in one week!

Today's Circus was at Sailer's pal, Addison's, house to celebrate her 2nd birthday! I'm sad I didn't get any pics of the decorations because they were totally over the top (which if you know me, I completely appreciate). But I did snap some shots of Sailer watching the puppet show, the balloon maker, and getting a tattoo! I couldn't believe she actually sat still long enough to let her do it. But then she went around and showed it to EVERYONE! And didn't want me to wash it off in the tub that night.
18 October ~ Butterfly Princesses
Today, Sailer and her friend, Hope, went to the Butterfly Parade in Grapevine... they watched the parade, played some games, discovered play-doh, rode bumper tricycles, and even released monarch buterflies (or shall I say in Sailer's case, almost pulled off her poor butterfly's wing). And of course, had their pictures taken obsessively by their proud mamas. Good lord, I love to dress up Sailer is silly outfits like this. What I thought was pretty amazing was that they both didn't seem to notice or care that they were dressed up like little bugs...
16 Oct ~ My Perfect Day
Well, I don't really have any pictures from today, but it was nonetheless perfect for me! Have I told you that I think Mother's Day Out is the greatest thing that was ever invented?!?! Please don't get me wrong... I love staying home with Sailer, but I've learned to covet those few precious hours of alone time every Tues and Thurs.
No tantrums.
No "no mommy."
No changing diapers.
I can eat uninterrupted.
I can run an errand in a normal frame of time.
I can actually manage to keep my clothes stain free. Etc.
I usually save this time for running errands, cleaning up, reading the paper, or doing things that I just really don't feel like doing with Sailer in tow.
But today....ahhh today. With the rain and cool weather, it just called out to me for a "do nothing and read until your eyes cross" day. My favorite. I first went to get a mani/pedi and took the first book... finished it. Then, went to Starbucks, got a latte (decaf...oh well), found a huge plush chair, curled up, and got lost in my second book of the day... (ok well, it's not a new book for me. How many times do you think one person can read Pride & Prejudice? I can't help it. Sometimes I just need a Mr. Darcy fix.) Hours later, I reemerged just in time to go get Sailer.
I truly believe those hours make me a better mom because when I walked into her room, I felt recharged and truly content and SO ready to see her. In my opinion, there's nothing better than a good book on a rainy day to cure all.
No tantrums.
No "no mommy."
No changing diapers.
I can eat uninterrupted.
I can run an errand in a normal frame of time.
I can actually manage to keep my clothes stain free. Etc.
I usually save this time for running errands, cleaning up, reading the paper, or doing things that I just really don't feel like doing with Sailer in tow.
But today....ahhh today. With the rain and cool weather, it just called out to me for a "do nothing and read until your eyes cross" day. My favorite. I first went to get a mani/pedi and took the first book... finished it. Then, went to Starbucks, got a latte (decaf...oh well), found a huge plush chair, curled up, and got lost in my second book of the day... (ok well, it's not a new book for me. How many times do you think one person can read Pride & Prejudice? I can't help it. Sometimes I just need a Mr. Darcy fix.) Hours later, I reemerged just in time to go get Sailer.
I truly believe those hours make me a better mom because when I walked into her room, I felt recharged and truly content and SO ready to see her. In my opinion, there's nothing better than a good book on a rainy day to cure all.
15 Oct ~ Le Artiste
In one of the litany of child psych books I've read in an attempt not to irrevocably screw up my child... it stressed the importance of free thought and the cultivation of your child's imagination. They stressed not to give in and give kids coloring books so that they can merely color between the lines, but to give them sketch pads so that they can create their own art. Although I believe that to be true, I don't plan on depriving my child of coloring books if she's dying for one... but for now, we'll stick with the sketch pads. As you can tell it's a fave past time and one for which takes great concentration and focus.... and apparently a very keen eye (given that she has to be an inch from the paper)...(=
14 Oct ~ Puddle Play
I just love these! Sailer had a blast jumping and playing in the puddles. She wouldn't come inside for what seemed like hours. It was one of those times mommy had to just let go... because at first all I could think of was the icky water she was likely going to try and drink. Oh well...
PS- aren't these PJs adorable? she loves to go into the closet and look at herself b/c they glow in the dark. What a little mess!
13 Oct ~ Just lounging around
12 Oct ~ Day under the Big Top with good pals
Today we took Sailer along with her good pal, Grady, to the Circus! Talk about a good time... they loved the animals and especially loved their light up toys (though we definitely had a lot of toy envy back and forth). We only stayed the first half which was an hour and half.... plenty of circus time for 18 month olds! Can you imagine staying for over 3 hours?? Anyway, we did the pony ride which was a HUGE hit with my bebe. And then, headed back to our casa for the big game.
This is one of my faves from the day...
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