Since the daddys were out playing a little poker, the girls all played over here. Of course, Sailer and Hope can get into everything messy and/or sticky, so a bath wasn't really optional. They stripped themselves out of their diapers, so we sent them upstairs to Sailer's bathroom. I thought these pics of them washing each other's hair were too funny...
18 Feb ~ Bath for Two
Since the daddys were out playing a little poker, the girls all played over here. Of course, Sailer and Hope can get into everything messy and/or sticky, so a bath wasn't really optional. They stripped themselves out of their diapers, so we sent them upstairs to Sailer's bathroom. I thought these pics of them washing each other's hair were too funny...
16 Feb ~ One "Fancy" Day
Today, Sailer and her pal, Hope, went to a "Fancy Nancy" party up at the local Learning Express. They dressed up in their fancy frocks, did crafts, ate fancy snacks, and then, had a storytime where they read "Bonjour Butterfly."
Sailer was clad in her "fancy" tutu like Nancy, wore her FN crown, carried her FN purse and of course, brought her French poodle (a nod to Frenchy, Nancy's puppy).

Aren't they so serious about their coloring??

A "fancy" storytime...

Fancy snack time...
Sailer was clad in her "fancy" tutu like Nancy, wore her FN crown, carried her FN purse and of course, brought her French poodle (a nod to Frenchy, Nancy's puppy).
Aren't they so serious about their coloring??
A "fancy" storytime...
Fancy snack time...
15 Feb ~ Mother Load

Tonight all the girls from dinner club headed to Richardson to see the off broadway show "Mother Load." The write-up reads: "Mother Load is the hilarious off-Broadway hit that mixes comedy with true confessions from the front lines of motherhood. Based on creator Amy Wilson's own experience as the mother of three children under five, this one-woman show has audiences lining up from coast to coast for a night of laughs about everything from prenatal yoga to preschool applications. From organic baby food to self-important lactation consultants to the perils of “mommy and me” classes, this laugh-out-loud show is an exposé of the fruitless and ever-challenging quest to be the "perfect" mom."
Let me just say there were so many laugh out loud parts.... all of which I wouldn't have gotten before having Sailer... but now COMPLETELY appreciate and unfortunately, relate to! Watching it made me realize that I might just be more sane than I had thought. (=
Valentines' Tradition
Going Bonkers!!
This morning, Sailer celebrated her friend, Alex's, birthday at Going Bonkers! We'd never been there and it's a really cool place. All the kiddos had to wear blue to the party as you can see.... that is the b-day girl running in the giant tutu (thanks to her Auntie Jaime), she was too quick for me to get a pic!

14 Feb ~ My two sweeties
I woke up early this morning (which was NOT easy as we got home super later last night), and went and picked up Sailer's favorite, Krispy Kreme donuts. (And yes, my 2 year old can sadly distinguish KK from the neighborhood donut shop.) Since Sailer has plenty of toys and has had more sugar than one child needs in a year this week, I bought her books for V-day, which she LOVED and has already read a million times. We sat at her little table as a family...but what I loved the most is that her daddy decided that his donut didn't have enough sprinkles on it, so he went to the pantry and got add'l sprinkles to add. Of course, Sailer had to follow suit and add more to hers.

Meeting Graham
I've been DYING to meet the little man I posted about earlier this week, but with Sailer being sick, we had to wait. We finally got to meet Graham tonight over at the Jenkins' new casa (in BFE I might add (=.... love you, Jace). Graham is SUPER stinking cute and is such a good baby, however, looks nothing like his mama or daddy, but ironically, looks fairly similar to my sweet hubby... makes one say "hmmmm." Just kidding. Anyway, as always we had the BEST time with them. Here's a synopsis of the evening: the kiddos played hard together, Mark drove around Grady's new plasma car after a few cocktails, Jace broke Grady's plastic dinner chair b/c it apparently couldn't take his weight, Grady performed his rendition of "Should Have Put a Ring on It," Sailer kept trying to sneak up on the baby to do God only knows what, and the two [insert sober] mamas watched with amazement at the craziness our lives have become.
Treasured Moments...

Ok, first off, these images DO NOT belong to me. I know I posted earlier that I spent most of Saturday with Tamara doing maternity photos. Well, she already sent back proofs, and of course, I L-O-V-E-D them!!! I pulled these off b/c last time, I just posted the site where you could go and directly look at them, but this time, there are several I don't necessarily want shown broadly (and you might not want to see either... (= ), but I wanted you to see how awesome she is! Seriously, she has a major creative gift, and what's even nicer, is that she makes you feel SO comfortable even when you're wearing basically a sheet. LOL. Anyway, you'll notice my tummy is different sizes in the pictures, but that's because I was trying as hard as I could to push it out! And btw, that is super tiring!! We did the pics mostly at our house and then, headed down the street to an overgrown prayer path behind this church.
I love these photos so much because they'll help remind me of this special time. I don't know what it is but once the baby gets here, the days of pregnancy seem to get a little fuzzy. Pregnancy is such a miracle (that's sounds cheesy but it's so true), and I love having images that capture these treasured moments. (Thank God you can't take pictures of swollen ankles, heartburn, insatiable and questionable eating habits because those are few of the moments I'd like to leave behind.)

Just thought you might want to [finally] put a NAME with his face...
This is a sweet picture of my cute little man... LINCOLN PIERCE JAMES!!!
OK I don't know about you, but deciding on a baby name has been a HUGE pain! Mark and I have such varying taste in names, and then, inevitably, we'd find a name we both loved and there would be an issue with it. For ex, we can't use any "B" names b/c his initials would be "BJ" (I'll let you figure out the issue with that). And then, we loved Kingsley for awhile, until we realized his name would be shortened to "King James." The list goes on and on with names that bit the dust for random reasons. Anyway, "Lincoln" has been one of my favorite names from the start, but Mark didn't L-O-V-E it. We wanted a name that's not super common, but that's not weird either. And it's been one of those names that grows on you (like "Sailer" did was us). I love it b/c if he wants to be a business man, then, it sounds honest and intelligent... if he wants to be a politician, well, I don't even have to say how cool and fitting that would be... and then, (fingers crossed) he joins the PGA tour, it can be shortened to "Linc" since he'd own the course. A girl can dream, can't she?? Anyway, that's the name and we're sticking with it!!
13 Feb ~ Girls Only Valentine Soiree
Today Sailer had 3 of her sweet girlfriends over for a little Valentines' Day Lunch... they were SOOO stinkin' cute (hence the extra long slideshow- sorry, proud mama here)!! Fully clad in their aprons and chef's "muffin" hats, they made their own heart-shaped pizzas for lunch. They rolled, patted, snacked, and added their sauce and cheese to make the cutest and surprisingly yummy pizzas. (Sidenote- the pkg reads a cooktime of 5-7 minutes. Because they were a extra thick, I didn't think anything of the extra long time of them being ready. Unfortunately, this prego mama had the pizzas in the wrong oven!) Then, the girls made V-day cards for their daddy's with all kinds of fun and messy things... glitter, glue, stickers, markers, need I say more? Finally, the crazy girls went outside for cupcakes and a little playtime out on the swingset.

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