27 May ~ Two little rockstars
Today, Hope and her mama were so sweet and brought Sailer and I lunch.... while Jayla and I were catching up and eating, we heard the girls cracking up, which is usually a sign of trouble. But instead this is what we found...they'd assembled a 2 girl rock band in our media room. Sailer on the drums and Hope who was ever so talented as the front man and drummer. They did a fantastic rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for us.

26 May ~ My Fairy and Little Working Man
I bought a couple pairs of wings for Miss. S a few months ago, and she's never really shown any interest in them until lately. And now she says "fly" which means she wants her wings on to fly.... aren't they cute? She'll just play in them and forgets she has them on until I tell her it's time to take them off and MAJOR fit. So inevitably I just let her keep them on until it's time for the little fairy to go to naptime.

My little working man.... I just love these little tie onesies. They totally crack me up!
My little working man.... I just love these little tie onesies. They totally crack me up!
World's Greatest Husband!
Although I know I'm biased, I truly believe my sweet hubby, Mark, deserves the world's greatest husband award right now. While it's probably no secret that he totally spoils me and let me get away with murder most of the time, today totally blew me away!! After we'd gotten home from the airport and put the kiddos to nap, he said he needed to run my car up the road to get the inspection done on my car because it was out. About an hour or so later, the front door bell rang, and I looked out and saw a car I didn't recognize. Then, I saw Mark standing by the door with this huge grin, and Sailer's papa standing by it with a video camera on me. Ummmm.... one word, confusion. And then, as I started to get it, SHOCKED! Mark surprised me with a brand new car!! Completely out of the blue. Beyond incredible! It's a Mercedes GL 450. With the addition of the new carseat in my old car, there was really no room in the backseat for anyone else to ride, so we had talked about getting a car with third row seating in another year or so. Anyway, see the pics below.... it's gorgeous and completely perfect.... I'm not really a car person, so this was so over the top for me. It has WAY more than I could ever want and has so many functions that will surely go unused until the daddy drives it, but it's beyond cool!! For example, the one thing that I absolutely HEART and think all moms should have is that the car "senses" when the key is within a few feet of the car. So I don't have to dig out my keys (which with the 2 kids is somewhat tricky) anymore b/c after it senses the keys, you just have to push a button on the door and it unlocks all of the doors automatically. And then, since it has a push start, I never even have to get the keys out of my purse. This is awesome since I like to lose mine often. (= Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! And am still so beyond shocked that he bought me a new car and kept the surprise (he is the worst secret keeper EVER). And I LOVE LOVE LOVE my hubby for just being him and for spoiling me with such an incredible gift.

She's going to be such a little monster when it's her turn to get a new car... I have a feeling her daddy is going to do something equally as ridiculous and over the top for her as well.
She's going to be such a little monster when it's her turn to get a new car... I have a feeling her daddy is going to do something equally as ridiculous and over the top for her as well.
25 May ~ Memorial Day
24 May ~ In Loving Memory
Today was a sad day. The whole James family drove up to Falls City, Nebraska to attend the memorial service for their sweet Grammie. Just a little about Grammie: in her day, she was an absolute knock out, always clad in fashion's finest. She was a reserved and ultra classy lady who loved her husband immensely, her 2 boys who were ALWAYS causing trouble, later her two grandkids who were ALWAYS causing trouble, and any and all animals. While she will be missed, there are times when it is better when someone moves on so they no longer have to suffer. This is one of those times. She left behind these handsome men...her two sons, her two grandsons, and her new baby great-grandson. 

And then, I loved this old chair at his Grammie's house, so I took a bunch of pics of L in his super cute little baby formal outfit. I'm sure he'll love that I dressed him in silk one day. (= Mommy's prerogative.

And then, I loved this old chair at his Grammie's house, so I took a bunch of pics of L in his super cute little baby formal outfit. I'm sure he'll love that I dressed him in silk one day. (= Mommy's prerogative.
23 May ~ Destined
21 May ~ Happy Birthday Mur!
Future photographer in the making? Thanks to Karen for the cutie little onesie... I loved it! Esp since his mama usually has the same accessory draped around her neck...
Today was Mur's (my precious grandmother)birthday, so we all met up to celebrate her birthday. I think seeing Sailer & Lincoln are the best presents she could've asked for...Thank you for the good lessons, Mimi!

Sailer discovering 2 coasters can be used to create Mickey ears!! And then, instructing the table to each make their own.

And fun family pics:

Take 1-
Take 2-
And we still didn't get everyone to look at the camera... and the Mimi was completely cut out of the pic all together.
Today was Mur's (my precious grandmother)birthday, so we all met up to celebrate her birthday. I think seeing Sailer & Lincoln are the best presents she could've asked for...Thank you for the good lessons, Mimi!
Sailer discovering 2 coasters can be used to create Mickey ears!! And then, instructing the table to each make their own.
And fun family pics:
Take 1-
Take 2-
20 May ~ Lincoln's 3 week check-up
19 May ~ School Picnic & Farewells
Today was Sailer's last day of school... I don't know who's more sad... me or her when she realizes that she's not going back. I have absolutely loved this year- her teachers and class were beyond wonderful, and she always was excited to go! And it was such a blessing to me to have a few hours to myself each week. I swear those few precious hours made me a better mom... and definitely helped me maintain my sanity! Anyway, we will really miss the school next year but hope to keep in touch with the sweet friends we made over this past year. Today they had a picnic for the kids and Sailer LOVED being outside to play in the sand, the water, the bubbles, etc. Of course, I took a few pics from the day.

17 May ~ Hello Summer... Bye Bye School!
This afternoon was Sailer's end of the year school program and graduation. Talk about cutie patooties!! Her class has been practicing two songs to play instruments to and perform for us... they did so good and were absolutely adorable! Here are a few pics from my little star:

And let's not forget Sailer's biggest fan... though he slept through most of it.
And let's not forget Sailer's biggest fan... though he slept through most of it.
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