Today was just one of those days where we had so much planned yet did absolutely nothing... and I'm not gonna lie, it was SO nice! We stayed in our pjs, or in Sailer's case, I'm sad to say, the tutu shirt from her picture session the day before (hey, don't judge)... and just vegged. Funny enough, these dumb glasses provided quite a bit of entertainment that day. And then, as you can see, the giant scissors we picked up from Party City were used a lot today!
27 July ~ Laaaazyyyy Day
Today was just one of those days where we had so much planned yet did absolutely nothing... and I'm not gonna lie, it was SO nice! We stayed in our pjs, or in Sailer's case, I'm sad to say, the tutu shirt from her picture session the day before (hey, don't judge)... and just vegged. Funny enough, these dumb glasses provided quite a bit of entertainment that day. And then, as you can see, the giant scissors we picked up from Party City were used a lot today!
Sailer ~ 2 years, 3 months today!
Today my first baby turned 2 years, 3 months... where does time go?? We spent the better part of the afternoon having her pictures taken (do you think that's all we do? ha). We did a little mini session out at the Dallas Arboretum where Sailer was clad in her bright red tutu and eating watermelon... doesn't get more summer than that! She did the best she's ever done while getting her photos taken. She laughed the whole time... I think it had something to do with the tangible props. Anyway, I will post those pics when I receive them of course... but for now, here's what I know about Sailer right now:
(1) Weight- 23 1/2 lbs (um can we say 7%... I don't like that all that much), and Heighth- 33 1/2
(2) Current favorite foods- loves nasty vienna sausages, french fries from McD's (yes, I'm that mom), dino nuggets (I'm sure they're all chkn), cheese crackers... well, any cheese byproduct for that matter, any kind of fruit though blueberries are #1, with apples (1 bite) and "nanas" coming in tied at second, and unfortunately, suckers are still hanging in there strong.
(3) Sailer has decided she's ready to start potty training... yes, I said Sailer has decided. I've been terrified of the whole process and with the addition of Lincoln, I've put it off even more. Well, Sailer has started telling me she wants to "pee pee" on the potty every morning and several times during the day. And she does! However sad this is... her great incentive is that she gets to wash her hands. Hey, whatever works!
(4) Thing that still gross mommy out about you... "mommy, sailer see poo poo" when she knows it's a bad one. WHO WANTS TO SEE THAT? {Gross!}
(3) Fave movies: "Puppies" (puppies and more puppies...aka 101 dalmations), "Pwincess" which is Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin (which is one of my old faves too!), "Panda" (Kung Fu Panda), and "E-fant" (Horton Hears a Who).
(4) You still watch Mickey Mouse as your staple, but have lately been asking for Little Einsteins in the morning... have no idea where that came from??
(5) Fave books- You LOVE "Big Words for Little People" but the book I think Sailer is the cutest with is "Baby Bear" because she's read it enough that she can basically recite it so she "reads" it along with me.... I mean seriously what 2 year old knows what a blue heron is?? (or a 30ish year old for that matter??)
(6) Newest Sailerism- After one of Lincoln's crying spells, she came up to me and said, "Mommy, no more Rincoln, Sailer go to Nana and Papa's House." Ummm, Sailer, me too....
(7) Sailer speaks in so many sentences now and knows words that I have no idea how she knows... ex, "mommy, this toy needs new bat-ries." How does she know what batteries are and what needs them??
(8) She loves Lincoln for the most part, but definitely competes for my attention. I am really trying to give her as much time/ attention/ love as I can because I know it must be hard to feel like you were the center of the universe and all of the sudden a meteor just crash landed and burst your perfect party. She particularly likes for him to sit with her in their new chairs and watch movies... she tells him "this is fun, Rincoln, this is fun!" Oh and the other thing I think is hilarious, is that for awhile now she's tried to avoid the circle (that's what we call my camera lens), but now when I start to take a pic of Lincoln, all I hear is "cheeeeese" and Sailer trying to get in the pic. (=
(9) I still think she's going to grow up and be some sort of artistic in one capacity or another... that is by far her favorite thing. She {LOVES} to draw, paint, etc. (on anything with anything unfortunately.) I do love this about her though...
(10) My greatest high with her is when I pick her up from anything where's she been away from me (ie church, school, dance, etc.), I swear she screams louder than any other child... "MOMMY"!!! And giggles so loudly as she runs and jumps in my arms. I'm not quite sure there's a better feeling in the world! I will miss when she no longer thinks I'm cool. )=
(1) Weight- 23 1/2 lbs (um can we say 7%... I don't like that all that much), and Heighth- 33 1/2
(2) Current favorite foods- loves nasty vienna sausages, french fries from McD's (yes, I'm that mom), dino nuggets (I'm sure they're all chkn), cheese crackers... well, any cheese byproduct for that matter, any kind of fruit though blueberries are #1, with apples (1 bite) and "nanas" coming in tied at second, and unfortunately, suckers are still hanging in there strong.
(3) Sailer has decided she's ready to start potty training... yes, I said Sailer has decided. I've been terrified of the whole process and with the addition of Lincoln, I've put it off even more. Well, Sailer has started telling me she wants to "pee pee" on the potty every morning and several times during the day. And she does! However sad this is... her great incentive is that she gets to wash her hands. Hey, whatever works!
(4) Thing that still gross mommy out about you... "mommy, sailer see poo poo" when she knows it's a bad one. WHO WANTS TO SEE THAT? {Gross!}
(3) Fave movies: "Puppies" (puppies and more puppies...aka 101 dalmations), "Pwincess" which is Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin (which is one of my old faves too!), "Panda" (Kung Fu Panda), and "E-fant" (Horton Hears a Who).
(4) You still watch Mickey Mouse as your staple, but have lately been asking for Little Einsteins in the morning... have no idea where that came from??
(5) Fave books- You LOVE "Big Words for Little People" but the book I think Sailer is the cutest with is "Baby Bear" because she's read it enough that she can basically recite it so she "reads" it along with me.... I mean seriously what 2 year old knows what a blue heron is?? (or a 30ish year old for that matter??)
(6) Newest Sailerism- After one of Lincoln's crying spells, she came up to me and said, "Mommy, no more Rincoln, Sailer go to Nana and Papa's House." Ummm, Sailer, me too....
(7) Sailer speaks in so many sentences now and knows words that I have no idea how she knows... ex, "mommy, this toy needs new bat-ries." How does she know what batteries are and what needs them??
(8) She loves Lincoln for the most part, but definitely competes for my attention. I am really trying to give her as much time/ attention/ love as I can because I know it must be hard to feel like you were the center of the universe and all of the sudden a meteor just crash landed and burst your perfect party. She particularly likes for him to sit with her in their new chairs and watch movies... she tells him "this is fun, Rincoln, this is fun!" Oh and the other thing I think is hilarious, is that for awhile now she's tried to avoid the circle (that's what we call my camera lens), but now when I start to take a pic of Lincoln, all I hear is "cheeeeese" and Sailer trying to get in the pic. (=
(9) I still think she's going to grow up and be some sort of artistic in one capacity or another... that is by far her favorite thing. She {LOVES} to draw, paint, etc. (on anything with anything unfortunately.) I do love this about her though...
(10) My greatest high with her is when I pick her up from anything where's she been away from me (ie church, school, dance, etc.), I swear she screams louder than any other child... "MOMMY"!!! And giggles so loudly as she runs and jumps in my arms. I'm not quite sure there's a better feeling in the world! I will miss when she no longer thinks I'm cool. )=
26 July ~ New digs!
In his Sunday duds...
Looking slightly terrified in his bumbo while mommy cooks...
Sailer's daddy has been working extra hard lately to build her a tv unit for her playroom... and well, it's finally finished!! It only lacks hardware, but besides thats, is absolutely perfect! Once completed, her daddy ran out and bought her a new tv and blueray player... every 2 year old needs a plasma. GOOD LORD- I'm just kidding. She's beyond spoiled, but this mommy stays out of all decisions technical b/c I completely know my limitations. (=

24 July ~ Gymnastics Finale
HOLY BATMAN, Lincoln!! He's thinking, dang, I have to endure another one of these things... =)
Today was Sailer's summer gymnastics exhibition, and it was so cute.
she was absolutely {loving} that her daddy was there to watch. She kept calling out to him after she'd do one of the events. Hilarious! Ive still got to upload the video but there's one part where she was trying to show off for him and she literally face planted! Hence the red nose in her pics! Anyway, she did so great, but I think her favorite part was the little blue ribbon she recieved at the end! Couldn't stop staring at it!!

Doing a big girl flip on the bar... LOVE it!

Little Monkeys...

Keeping her balance...

Studying her new little blue ribbon... her mommy was SO proud!
And had to post a pic of our newest piece of furniture... our trendy little TIME OUT chair. Didn't think it would turn our this cute?!?!? Almost kind of sad that it's going to be used for not fun purposes b/c seriously, it's too fun!
It reads "It's time to sit out from the fun, To think about what you've done." HA!!
Someone dipped into the Harry Potter stash...

And lastly, Mimi came over to watch the kiddos so we could have a date night. I talked him into a chick flick and it was absolutely hilarious!!
Today was Sailer's summer gymnastics exhibition, and it was so cute.
she was absolutely {loving} that her daddy was there to watch. She kept calling out to him after she'd do one of the events. Hilarious! Ive still got to upload the video but there's one part where she was trying to show off for him and she literally face planted! Hence the red nose in her pics! Anyway, she did so great, but I think her favorite part was the little blue ribbon she recieved at the end! Couldn't stop staring at it!!
Studying her new little blue ribbon... her mommy was SO proud!

23 July ~ Happy 10th B-day Hannah!
Tonight we took Mi Cocina over to the Mackies to celebrate Miss. Hannah's 10th B-day!! I can't believe she's that old?!?! Anyway, the girls always crack me up when they get together. The M's were getting ready for H's camp/camping party, so the girls had a blast playing in the big tent in the back. Then, we had some cake to bring in her next year...
Daddy with his "Mark smile"...
the little ones wanted a turn to blow out the candles:
would you pls look at the size of her piece???
22 July ~ Scary Animals...
Today we met up with Sailer's new pal, Angelo, at the Safari Park... can we say SCARY!?!? Although they had a cute train for the kids to ride, a fun place for the kids to play, and a uuber scary animal walk. Ok- you know those toys that are called FurrReal animals, well, picture that in giant form, skulking around and making heinous dying noises. Can I say freaked out?!?! Anyway, then, the kids were supposed to be riding the train... as you can see from the pics, mommy got to take a ride as well!

And Mr. Lincoln clad in his mini-me daddy duds... camo cargos and an embroidered tee. Love this little soon-to-be fashion plate! (=
And Mr. Lincoln clad in his mini-me daddy duds... camo cargos and an embroidered tee. Love this little soon-to-be fashion plate! (=
17-19 July ~ Weekend at the Lake with the Jenkins
This weekend we headed to a little private lake in Breckenridge with the Jenkins Clan. It was an experience to say the least... not a lot of down time for the parentals!! With 4 babies now, there's a lot to take care of, but it was so great to get to hang out with them. The kiddos had a blast! I love that Grady and Sailer really act more like brother and sister- one minute they LOVE each other and the next they're about to kill each other! (= So here's a little peek at the weekend...
Isn't this the most beautiful view!?!?
Water Fight!!

The stripping begins..

Cutie patootie booties...

The daddys teaching them a little pigskin:

Tonight we took a ride in the pontoon boat, and the kids had a ball! It was so beautiful and peaceful... the weather couldn't have been nice either! Uggghhh.... why can't it always feel like that outside?? Anyway, we just let the kids run around in their diapers and life jackets. Aren't they adorable?

More streakin'...a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

We spent most of the day in the pool! It was so relaxing and Sailer did so great again...

Love Graham's sweet smile...

What a CHUNK of love I have!!
Look at that dive form...she's a natural.

the two mommys hiding!

Grady's grandma let the kids make real ice cream with her in the kitchen, and they devoured it!

Bubbles are always a big hit...
Sailer had her first fishing experience while we were there as well! When I went fishing pole shopping, I SO wanted to buy the Barbie rod but thought the guys would make fun of me, so bought a real one. However, a PINK one! Apparently it brought good luck too because Miss. S reeled in her first fish with it too! She was so excited....

This was one of Sailer's favorite parts of the whole weekend... the minnows! They both wanted to play with them and give them fish kisses. (=

My two main men sharing a little male bonding over golf...
And we made smores over the grill. YUM-O! One of my favorite desserts!

Dance Par-tay!!
Look at them on their first jet ski ride. Sweet Uncle Jace took Sailer out b/c her daddy wouldn't. Mean man!

This is why Ms. Amy is the best little boy mom... she's a bug catcher. The kids loved it!
Isn't this the most beautiful view!?!?
More streakin'...a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
We spent most of the day in the pool! It was so relaxing and Sailer did so great again...
Grady's grandma let the kids make real ice cream with her in the kitchen, and they devoured it!
Bubbles are always a big hit...
This was one of Sailer's favorite parts of the whole weekend... the minnows! They both wanted to play with them and give them fish kisses. (=
My two main men sharing a little male bonding over golf...
Dance Par-tay!!
Look at them on their first jet ski ride. Sweet Uncle Jace took Sailer out b/c her daddy wouldn't. Mean man!
This is why Ms. Amy is the best little boy mom... she's a bug catcher. The kids loved it!
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