And we're off!! (Not without quite a few mommy tears shed and "what the heck are we doing" second-guessing.)
A few months ago, I was having one of those "mommy moments"... you know the moment that although you love your children more than life itself, you momentarily are considering selling them on e-bay?? Well, that's what I call my mommy moments. During one such instance, I received one of those super cheap travel special e-mails and started to look a little closer. The pictures of all of the happy (and skinny...gag) people laughing on the beach, looking ever so refreshed, totally suckered me in. Next thing I know, I'm booking a trip for my hubby and me without any consultation. Luckily, he was on the same page, so no harm, no foul. We did a quick little getaway like this about 8 months after Sailer was born... just the two of us... and when I tell you, it saved us, I mean, it SAVED us! (= Although your heart just hurts you miss your kiddos so much, it just totally helps you get back on track with one another. So a HUGE, HUMUNGO, GIGANTIC, COLOSSAL thanks goes out to two of Sailer and Lincoln's grandparents for making it possible!!! We wouldn't have had such a great and relaxing time without knowing our little ones were in such loving and capable (insert: spoiled rotten) hands. And again, we apologize for the lack of sleep! (=
Anywho, this is the two of us on our first leg of the trip... heading to Miami.

And now on the second leg... ARUBA BOUND! Yes, that is a mimosa AND a glass of wine that was served with our lunch. One word... heaven.

This is obviously from our phone on the plane. It was our first glimpse at our destination. It was GORGEOUS!!!

This is us checking into the hotel (yes, I'm a dork.)

And our view from our room... prior to sunset.

And during....augghhhhh.

After a little shopping and just relaxing, we headed to this uuber fabulous restaurant, Papiamento, which is the name of the native language. It was so romantic and the food was scrumptious! They served all of their fish on a hot plate (not the accurate term) to continue it's cooking at the table. Very cool!

The restaurant is used for a lot of wedding receptions. It is mostly outside tables encompassing a giant pool amidst twinkle-lit trees. It was so peaceful and beautiful.

Our waiter at the beginning told us that he wanted to be a pro photographer... so I wouldn't go that far, I'm so thankful because he wanted to take tons of pics for us. (=

After dinner, Mark and I headed back to the hotel to hit the casino. I am THAT girl who LOVES her slots! I don't like to play the big money slots, because I want it to last, but somehow it still goes by more quickly than I wish. (= We also hit the blackjack table for quite awhile to implement Mark's can't-lose plan... um, we lost. Ha ha. So back to the slots. WHAT AN AWESOME NIGHT!!

One of the best parts of the casino was the Copa Cabana bar... look at the cool band located above the bar. Too fun!