19 Mar ~ Miss you Fergie!!
I'm supposed to be at the Black Eyed Peas concert RIGHT NOW... yet, I'm at home setting up perfect little carriage centerpieces and tying up 30 tutus onto the wall. Oh well. It'll be so worth it tomorrow. And I'll definitely see you around the next time you're here, Fergie!! I definitely missed you tonight. )=
17 Mar ~ Sweet Cinderella
15 Mar ~ Princess camp Day 1
13 Mar ~ Fantastic Friends
My little sweet LOVES accessories like her mama. I love that about her!
So my party planning can sometimes get a tad out of control. But anyone who comes to one always asks where I find the time. Well, I don't. I have amazing friends. Plain and simple. The ones that come and help you with all of the misc painful projects. Even their hubbies come along for the ride. I'm so very grateful to them. Not many people would give up their Sat evenings to build a two story princess castle for a 3 year old birthday party, but well, they did. Sailer's upcoming party would simply not have happened without them. Love you guys----- Jenny, Rick, Katie, and Keith. Seriously, I owe you.

11 Mar ~ Dear Lord help me with these two....
they are going to give me an ulcer at some point. They are trouble with a capital T... like no one else. It's hilarious and thank the Lord, Bella's mommy handles things a lot like me. Because I think we have many more of these moments to come.
So Jenny and I have now learned that when all goes quiet.... that means run as fast as you can to Miss. Tara's closet because something bad is going down in there. Let me give you example #1. One of the funniest moments to date of being Sailer's mama. I walked into my master closet only to be greeted by a literal haze. Two (not one) cans of full aerosol hairspray had just been sprayed in my closet by two little divas. Their hair was literally crisp. No movement at all. Two mamas having to sit down doubled over in laughter at the cluster that has just unfolded. What's so funny is that I couldn't be mad... they were so very proud of doing each other's hair that we just had to laugh.
They proceeded to need to find outfits to match their new "do's."
Not just one bath (that nearly flooded not only her bathroom but bedroom as well) could wash away all the mess from this one night.
But still, I love them both so much. And wouldn't change a thing. I secretly love their mischief.
So Jenny and I have now learned that when all goes quiet.... that means run as fast as you can to Miss. Tara's closet because something bad is going down in there. Let me give you example #1. One of the funniest moments to date of being Sailer's mama. I walked into my master closet only to be greeted by a literal haze. Two (not one) cans of full aerosol hairspray had just been sprayed in my closet by two little divas. Their hair was literally crisp. No movement at all. Two mamas having to sit down doubled over in laughter at the cluster that has just unfolded. What's so funny is that I couldn't be mad... they were so very proud of doing each other's hair that we just had to laugh.

9 Mar ~ John Mayer!
Mark and I made a commitment to each other this past New Years to really try harder about date nights... not to go on them, we do that a couple times a week (that the sweet Lord for grandparents) but more so, to be more creative with them. Well, we both are HUGE concert people, so we have had the best time going to concerts together lately. They're perfect. They can be fun, romantic, always interactive, and never boring. Tonight was no exception.... we went to see John Mayer!
Although not so much digging his personal choices as of late (but seriously that's none of my business), I still adore his music.
Added bonus... to get to go with a good friend. Our crew met Splitz and her crew for dinner beforehand at one of my old hangouts.
Then, off to the concert.

Although not so much digging his personal choices as of late (but seriously that's none of my business), I still adore his music.
6 Mar ~ Hope's Fit For a Princess B-day Party
Happy B-day, Hopie!! Today Sailer celebrated with one of her sweet little friends for her 3rd b-day! They had a princess party up at the gym where her mama works and where the kiddos take gymnastics. She loved it!!

The first one to run to Princess Belle. Shocker.

And one of those days where I wanted to momentarily disown my daughter. She saw this cake. Made a beeline to it. And grabbed the Sleeping Beauty right off of it. BEFORE the birthday girl could blow out her candles. Crawl under a rug please.

1 Mar ~ the Final Rose
After dance today, Sailer came home to a present on the front door from Pierce. The present is two-fold, and adorable on both counts. First, the basket was supposed to come the day of her "Whooooo Needs Boys Party" but since it got snowed out a few times, it didn't happen that day. It was a special V-day treat basket, and it was held together with a wooden owl that read "Whooooooo Needs Boys...... You do!!!! You've got me." and had a gigantic diamond (plastic) ring attached. SOOOO Cute!! The second is the huge Cabella's pink truck. Apparently, Krista took P to get himself a new one.... and the rule is he can only pick out ONE thing.... so they go in the store, he finds his and starts to carry it off.... when he stops short upon discovering the pink one.... he says "mama, sailer would really love that one." She tells him nicely (knowing i likely don't care to have a huge truck for my princess) that the rule is to just pick one. So he thinks about it, she turns her back for a second, and when she turns back around, he's put his back and picked up the pink one for miss. S and says, "I'll just get this one for Sailer right now, I'll wait til next time to get mine." SHUT UP! A 2 year old. How sweet it that!! Let's just say that he walked about with both of them. (= And Sailer LOVED it!!
Tonight we had the Huas and the Reiersons over for the final Bachelor airing.... hence,

Can you tell who I wanted him to choose? LOL. At least she got this ring. (=

And of course, the babies. Linc in his "Eligible Bachelor" outfit.

Two dads trying to change one stinky baby!!! It wasn't going so smoothly.

Girls weekend to Austin!!
GIRLS TRIP!!!!! This weekend, a big group of my sweet g-friends headed down to Austin to celebrate Heddie's 30th b-day! It was a CRAZY fun-filled weekend.
The drive down with Mimosas set the pace for the weekend...
And they all appeased me by stopping in at Georges for a Big O!

Out for dinner on Friday night.

At Malatov's making friends with... well, not sure what that was all about.
And the napkin rose I was given.
Molotov's is owned by the ex Bachelor, Brad. And he actually sent us over a bottle of champagne. Here's our toast!

And pic with him.

The next day, the good times started bright and early. Poor Kristine... this was one of the funniest parts. She sort of got left at the day-drinking bar. Doesn't pay to go potty when the girls are on a mission. lol!
Before dinner at Maria Maria, we all met up to open b-day gifts in the room.

Dinner at Maria Maria

Night #2 with Bachelor Brad
Splits and me

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