Welcome to Santa's North Pole Candy Factory....
Today was Sailer's class party at Reading Friends. Krista and I have been working our little tushes off in preparation. I think it turned out super cute, and the kids LOVED it! My hubby, though indulgent to my party planning obsession, doesn't "get it." But today, he actually said "now I see why." A huge stride for him. As Sailer walked into the party room, she turned around to me, and said, "mommy, thank you, my party is beautiful!" Seriously, melt my heart. I know a lot of my mom friends think I'm insane, but man, it's days like today that make me so happy. One just the party itself... I love a good party. But mostly, because I adore seeing the sheer glee on my baby's face... especially since I helped put it there. (=

This is what started the candy factory.. these precious little gum ball machines from the dollar store (coupled with the gigantic peppermints I already had). We then, made these cute little peppermint plates for them to coordinate.

The tablescape.

And our little favors.

The food table (pre-food).

And these God-forbidden chair covers. I look tired in all the pictures because of these cute little things. I was up til the wee hours in the morning finishing them up... but I think they were worth it. (=

Not a flattering pic of Sailer but the only one I have of her party outfit.

Now much happier since she got her Santa apron... ready to make her own Christmas candy! (=

Little sass.

We have started getting them dressed in their classroom and then, taking them to the "party room" (an empty classroom we've recquisitioned). This was the entrance into the party. Two Christmas trees hung with each child's personalized stocking.

Here they come!

There's Miss. Sailer!

Time to eat!

Besides Pierce, this is Sailer's very best friend at school, Mina. Sailer talks about her non-stop, which is rather sad b/c she never gets to play with her outside of school. Both of her parents are crazy busy so playdates are next to impossible to set up. Doesn't seem to put a damper in their friendship...they're crazy together!

the whole gang!

Performing their Christmas carols for the parents... there's a party where they act like they're going to sleep. Aren't they so cute?

Now Pierce and Miss. S are taking their gifts to all their teachers and head mistress.

Finally, the party ended with a book exchange... something sailer loved! This girl loves to read like her mama.

Let us not forget my other cutie pie. He was quite a ladies man that day. There is one little girl in Sailer's class that LOVES Linc...with a capital "L"! He could do much worse given that her daddy is a famous MLB player. LOL.

Sailer and her sweet teacher, Ms. Sherry.

Making a train...

A family pic.

Afterwards, Krista and I took the kiddos up to Vaquero so we could grab a celebratory drink. The kids were absolutely hilarious- they made their own pallet out of the outdoor cushions in the middle of the grass. Then, they proceeded to cover each other up with the dinner napkins.
1 comment:
O.U.T. of C.O.N.T.R.O.L.!!!!!
wow girl you even outdid yourself! I want you to adopt me and my kids and do all of our parties!!!!!
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