Here was the mom's table.

And the girls' room.
Their little dessert bar.

"Whoooooo Needs Boys"

I served little sandwiches cute into hearts, little snacks, and of course, cupcakes with owls on them that matched their plates.

The sides and goodie bag table.

And the craft table. It's a joke among my friends about my parties.... there is ALWAYS a craft. In fact, apparently my sweet little girl once said "it's not a party without a craft." What 3 year old says that??? Well, today's craft was two fold. First, they each got a V-day Mr. Potato Head b/c he's the only boy you really need at this age. Ha ha. And then, they made Valentines for their daddys.
Shamrock Unicorn St Patrick’s Day Party
15 hours ago
1 comment:
so many fabulous posts!! i'm just going to live the girlie party life vicariously through you ;) my boys don't seem to care...hmmm
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