I (and Miss. S) have been DYING for this day to come!! It seems like we've been waiting for forever, but in reality we just started planning our trip 2 1/2 months ago, which in Disney planning is nothing! The choices, places, and things to do are endless. There is so much "magic" to be had, it was hard to choose. But here we are.... headed for the plane!

While on the plane, Cinderella left Sailer a special present. The flight attendant made a special announcement and delivered it to Sailer on her behalf.

It was a royal invitation~ "Princess Sailer, please be my guest for dinner tonight at my castle. You are my favorite big girl princess! Love, Cinderella." To say Sailer as thrilled is an understatement. She was just darn right giddy.

Finally, we arrived, and headed straight to the Magic Kingdom!

First stop: Bippity Boppity Boutique. When you arrive, you are given your choice of becoming any princess you could imagine. Sailer chose Cinderella. They, then, took you to your own princess changing room.

All was wonderful in the land of princess until Sailer saw some other little girl as Sleeping Beauty, and all went downhill for a bit. She just started bawling about it. Luckily, this is a common occurrence and they quickly remedied the trauma. Hence, princess dress #2.
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