Anywho.... here are a few pics of the insanity. (= This is Edward's table and snacks.

the dinner tables:

Little Twilight sayings were printed and stuck in forks and put into apples (forks, get it...).

The sweets table.

Jacob's table....and goodies.

Late night movie snacks.

We served italian food for the Cullens.

I made these 2 little notepads with funny Twilight sayings on them for a take away. I wish I could take credit for this idea, but a friend of mine does this a lot, and it's a cheap, easy and actually useable gift.
Somehow I only got pics of one on the tables???
A few girls were Twilight virgins.... gasp..... so they had shirts made. LOVE it!
Edward stood by while we watched the movie.

The attempt at playing the Twilight game.... not so much. Too much wine and lots of chatty women. Go figure!
This is the super late night crowd. (=

I made these 2 little notepads with funny Twilight sayings on them for a take away. I wish I could take credit for this idea, but a friend of mine does this a lot, and it's a cheap, easy and actually useable gift.

I have to say this certainly tops my Twilight party but isn't it fun getting together with girls?! Love it.
Wow you totally catch up with your posts fast! Welcome back! Missed reading your blog .. you haven't posted in forever!
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