Well, I don't really have any pictures from today, but it was nonetheless perfect for me! Have I told you that I think Mother's Day Out is the greatest thing that was ever invented?!?! Please don't get me wrong... I love staying home with Sailer, but I've learned to covet those few precious hours of alone time every Tues and Thurs.
No tantrums.
No "no mommy."
No changing diapers.
I can eat uninterrupted.
I can run an errand in a normal frame of time.
I can actually manage to keep my clothes stain free. Etc.
I usually save this time for running errands, cleaning up, reading the paper, or doing things that I just really don't feel like doing with Sailer in tow.
But today....ahhh today. With the rain and cool weather, it just called out to me for a "do nothing and read until your eyes cross" day. My favorite. I first went to get a mani/pedi and took the first book... finished it. Then, went to Starbucks, got a latte (decaf...oh well), found a huge plush chair, curled up, and got lost in my second book of the day... (ok well, it's not a new book for me. How many times do you think one person can read Pride & Prejudice? I can't help it. Sometimes I just need a Mr. Darcy fix.) Hours later, I reemerged just in time to go get Sailer.
I truly believe those hours make me a better mom because when I walked into her room, I felt recharged and truly content and SO ready to see her. In my opinion, there's nothing better than a good book on a rainy day to cure all.