Sailer striking a pose...
Friday we had quite a few house guests in from Fort Smith and after Sailer did A LOT of showing off for them, Mommy and Baby went to bed early while all the boys stayed up and thought they were the next AC/DC.
And finally, Saturday..... what seemed like the LOOONGEST day ever! We met our favorite photographer Tamara for a family photo shoot for Christmas and just for Sailer being 1 1/2 (I used to have her photos taken monthly but have switched to every 6 months since she turned 1). Let's just say, I think she got some incredible shots of Sailer by herself, but I will be amazed if she got a good one of all of us! Sailer was just NOT having it. There was just too much for her to play with... rocks, leaves, sticks, etc. After hours of this torture and several wardrobe changes, we called it a day. I can't wait to see the proofs!
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