15 Feb ~ Mother Load

Tonight all the girls from dinner club headed to Richardson to see the off broadway show "Mother Load." The write-up reads: "Mother Load is the hilarious off-Broadway hit that mixes comedy with true confessions from the front lines of motherhood. Based on creator Amy Wilson's own experience as the mother of three children under five, this one-woman show has audiences lining up from coast to coast for a night of laughs about everything from prenatal yoga to preschool applications. From organic baby food to self-important lactation consultants to the perils of “mommy and me” classes, this laugh-out-loud show is an exposĂ© of the fruitless and ever-challenging quest to be the "perfect" mom."

Let me just say there were so many laugh out loud parts.... all of which I wouldn't have gotten before having Sailer... but now COMPLETELY appreciate and unfortunately, relate to! Watching it made me realize that I might just be more sane than I had thought. (=

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