24 May ~ In Loving Memory

Today was a sad day. The whole James family drove up to Falls City, Nebraska to attend the memorial service for their sweet Grammie. Just a little about Grammie: in her day, she was an absolute knock out, always clad in fashion's finest. She was a reserved and ultra classy lady who loved her husband immensely, her 2 boys who were ALWAYS causing trouble, later her two grandkids who were ALWAYS causing trouble, and any and all animals. While she will be missed, there are times when it is better when someone moves on so they no longer have to suffer. This is one of those times. She left behind these handsome men...her two sons, her two grandsons, and her new baby great-grandson.

And then, I loved this old chair at his Grammie's house, so I took a bunch of pics of L in his super cute little baby formal outfit. I'm sure he'll love that I dressed him in silk one day. (= Mommy's prerogative.

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