One Sad Little Girl...

Last night our house got POUNDED by rain and 80mph wind... as we were huddled in the closet, we could hear the wind and could've sworn it was a tornado. You talk about scary?? I feel so fortunate that my family is safe and nothing really happened to the house. We did go outside and find this... all I can is there was one sad little girl when she saw her swing! )= I do praise the Lord for our safety though.


Krista said...

I have a feeling someone isn't gonna be without a swing for very long!!! ;-)

Glad you and your beautiful little fam are safe and sound!

Carmen said...

Yikes! Glad all is well with the four of you.

Alyssa said...

OMG! I can not believe that. So glad you guys are alright, the is pretty scary and you feel like everything is out of your hands, because it really is.