This morning we woke up early to have a big yummy family breakfast together as we were doing a late family dinner with everyone. As usual, we sat at the "little table" that was set and ready for us to gobble down together. Oh, sweet daddy...that bed head is dreamy... Captain Turkey at our house... Just like daddy... Attempting for a picture of the two of them in their matching Thanksgiving outfits... ummm, not going over so well. Attempt #2- squeezing the life out of him. Attempt #3- definitely not going well...oh, the tortured life of Lincoln. He's going to be one tough linebacker!! My little Thanksgiving beauty. And my sweet little pumpkin ready for everyone to get here! Well, there was a little snafu with the turkey.... as in it was taking FOREVER to cook.... so as most of you know or can gather, I'm usually pretty prepared for anything. So I whipped another turkey to tide us over.Oh, yep, you guessed it.... another costume change for my little man. The best looking turkey ever.... I certainly could eat him up!! He is SO going to hate me one day for things like this.... ...or just laugh and embrace that his mommy is a little eccentric but lovable regardless. (= I'm praying for the latter. I could squeeze this little turkey all day long... I guess someone else could as well...Finally sitting down for dinner. After dinner, Sailer's cousin, Gavin, came over... and this is the best pic I got of the two of them, as they NEVER slowed down long enough for me to grab one. Of course, Mr. Lincoln cannot get all of the attention... Miss. S had to squeeze herself into this size 6-12 month turkey costume. LOL- sadly, it zipped up on this skinny minnie... just a tad short. She ran around and around acting like a turkey for the rest of the night. What a little performer! "See what had happened was...." "Gobble, gobble, y'all!" As the night winded down to an end, Sailer received her first Christmas present from her Nana and Papa....a small gift for her parents as well.... the Elf on the Shelf. As they read the story, it was her turn to name him. Adam. ???? Well, apparently he looks just like Adam in her class so that's what she wanted. Someone else is ready for Christmas, I guess. Yeah... his first one!! Happy Thanksgiving Friends and Family who read this and take part (albeit the web) in our family goings-on. I am ever grateful for you.
Hi, where in the world can I get your pattern for the preschool party hats? As well as the store you did the personalized Halloween plates? You are a true creative and great party planner! Help a room mom in need for Valentines!
very cute, love the turkey outfit and he will lovingly hate you one day when you show it to the guests of his wedding!
OOh, I love their matching outfits! Those are darling. And both kids as the turkey are adorable!
Hi, where in the world can I get your pattern for the preschool party hats? As well as the store you did the personalized Halloween plates? You are a true creative and great party planner! Help a room mom in need for Valentines!
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