Off to the LAKE!!!

My kids are SO excited... who am I kidding, I'm so excited to! Today we leave for the lake for the weekend with the Jenkins (basically our extended family), and I'm SO excited for the laziness and laugh-out-loud moments ahead. This is how Sailer got dressed to leave.... she wanted to be fancy for Grady. We lovingly vetoed.And we're off....

I think the thing Sailer loves the most about the lake is the food.... she walked in the door and demanded a popsickle. As you can see from her mouth, Grady's Mimi is a sucker.
This is how you cool off at the lake... lol.
Later that night, these two helped make our dinner. Don't they look like trouble?
And with Grady, there is ALWAYS a dance party. This is the two of them practicing their donkey kicks. (=

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