First Daddy-Daughter Dance

Tonight was so very special for Mark and Miss. Sailer (and by virtue, this mama). They were to attend their first daddy daughter dance together. I was (supposedly) volunteering so I, of course, snuck all kinds of pictures.

Here she is all dressed for her big date.
And her daddy looking as handsome as ever.
Here they were exchanging their corsage and boutinerre.

And the actual dance. I was SO impressed with the set up, the decor, and how they organized it.

When we first arrived, they took photos of the "couples".
And then, Sailer found her sweet friend, Kaia, and they danced like silly little girls.
Of course, they had a craft table, so she was in heaven.
Sailer also danced with precious little McKenna.
But her best and favorite dance partner was this sweet man below. He ate it up!!

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