6 Dec ~ Built with Love (and a few curse words)

Sailer's "big" present this year is one of those giant playsets...we've been looking at them for about a year now and finally just bit the bullet and got her one. It's HUGE...it has a 3 story fort, all kinds of fun swings, 2 slides (a big girl one and a baby one), a sand box, a chalkboard, a rock climbing wall, etc. I have a feeling, weather permitting, we will spend A LOT of time out there! It comes in pieces to be assembled on site, so they delivered 8 crates of wood, tools, slides, etc. Anyway, Sailer's daddy and her sweet Uncle Matt worked AALLLLL weekend putting it together and still have a few days to go. It's such a big job, and thank goodness they're both really handy b/c it would be impossible for someone who's not. Here's a few shots of the work in progress... oh, and yes, poor Mark can barely move right now from the soreness. )=

Such a bummer, but tonight we were supposed to go to our Dinner Club's Christmas Party, but last minute couldn't find anyone to watch Sailer...we're SOOOO spoiled with willing grandparents at our disposal that we don't have backup babysitters in case those grandparents have a life of their own (GASP). (= It actually turned out pretty good though... people over, movies, yummy take out, basically vegged out. After Mark working in the yard all day and I on the inside, it was actually kind of nice to just chill out.

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