Where did the past year go??? It seems like it has absolutely flown by! Well, as I listed on Thanksgiving, I feel like we've been extremely blessed this year and am ever thankful for His grace and constant blessings in my life. I love my wonderful husband. I love my precious little girl. I love my constant family. And I love my crazy friends. So all in all, my life is so full. Sure, nothing is perfect, but as I've come to find out especially over the past year, the imperfections are sometimes what makes life great. Believe me, I've learned to let go of a lot of things with a toddler. Nothing is ever going to turn out exactly like you imagined, but more often than not, it turns out better. Looking at things through Sailer's eyes has really made me appreciate life more... she sees and appreciates the small things that usually go unnoticed. That's one thing I should've put on my "thankful list"... I never realized what a true gift it is to have the privilege to stay home with Sailer. I know many moms would give anything to do so and simply can't. I do not take it for granted that Mark is able to provide for us and give me the opportunity to raise Sailer at home during the day. Don't get me wrong, there are days I miss working and days I could pull my hair out b/c Sailer is being difficult, but I wouldn't change a thing. I don't want to ever look back and feel like I missed something or that I could've done more for her. She'll be grown before I know it, so I'm going to hoard as much time as I can now. (=
Anyway, I say all that to bring me to my resolutions for this year. I am usually one of those people who makes some mundane resolution like weight loss, eat better, etc. And though those are noble, I can't really strive for that right now anyway since I'm supposed to be getting heavier. (= So here are a few of my resolutions...
(1) Stop and enjoy life. Stop trying to busy myself with things that don't matter and just go with the flow.
(2) Make finding a church home a real priority, and stop going to the old ones b/c it's just "easier" to put it off.
(3) Be more consistent with my daily quiet time. I've been doing a weekly Beth Moore bible study at church since Sept that has a daily study for yourself, but for the last month or so, I have not been reliable with it... and I can tell a difference.
(4) Remember to pray about the little things. Sometimes I'm good about this and sometimes I'm not... I always seem to remember to look upward when things are big, but he's just as much in the little things too.
(5) Be more affectionate and thoughtful. It's weird. My whole life I've been what you'd call a "hugger" and the first one to complement if I liked something.... and somewhere along the line the last year or so, I've just become lazy or something. It's like if Sailer is in the room, I give her the majority of my attention and a lot of my affection and leave everyone else short-changed. I love so many people in my life, and I really want them to know it. I need to make it a priority to not only show it but tell them.
(6) Have more girl time! All through college and the working years before getting married, it was girl time all the time! And for some reason, when I got married and more so after I had Sailer, it seems like I see my girlies less and less. What's funny, is that I think about them a lot and wonder what's going on with them, but somehow don't make the time to pick up the phone or schedule a get-together. It's completely my fault, and I really want to change that. I know it will never be like it was in the "party days" and honestly, I'm a little glad about that.... I can't survive on 2 hours sleep anymore and I enjoy just hanging with my family too much, but I do need more of a balance!! And a little more estrogen in my life. (=
(7) Ok- so we're probably the last people in America to not make this a priority and I'm a little embaressed we haven't done it before, but we're going to start recycling in our house. How easy and really necessary.
(8) Get my house in order!! I've been SOOO procrastinating on decorating my house, which is just not like me at all. But at first I was sick and then, I just felt overwhelmed by the projects... but April and the new little man are going to be here before I know it, so I need to get my rear in gear.
Last but not least, I did a 2008 in Review Slideshow of how Sailer has grown this past year.... it's all my fave pictures from each month, so it's long but I loved going back through all my photos and reminiscing. Cheers to another wonderful and life-changing year in 2009!
very well said parham. she will be grown before you know it so enjoy! (and ps, we don't recycle either. that's the republican in me!)
Oh, I'm so glad you found me! I love all your pictures...Sailer is adorable!
And, congrats to you too on #2!
Happy New Year!
(Ava has that cute striped outfit Sailer was wearing at the airport too!)
You write very well and are such a sweetheart, we will miss you next year, hope to stay in touch. You need to get on facebook!
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