My Baby is TWO!! How did that happen??

Today, my sweet little Sailer turned TWO YEARS OLD! Where does the time go? Although I'm having a blast with every stage, and I love that we can do more thing and that she can interact with us so much more.... I still want her to be a baby!! Anyway, tonight to celebrate her birthday, the family and her best friend, Hope, and her crew all went to Incredible Pizza for dinner and lots and lots of playtime. The place is HUGE, and has all kinds of games, a play area just for Sailer's age group, indoor golf and go-carts, etc. Needless to say, Sailer LOVED it!! She and Hope were all over the you can see from the gazillion pictures I took! ha ha... mommy's perogative! (=


Jennie said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cake!

Sally said...

sooo cute!!! Happy Bday Sailer! that cake looks so yummy! :)

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

I feel the same every stage, but I want my kids to be babies forever!