1) He's such a sweet baby. He doesn't cry a whole lot and when he does, it's not one of those ear-deafening ones.
2) He is going to have the most lady killer smile on the planet. Those dimples melt my heart EVERY time I see them.
3) He apparently l-o-v-e-s his big sis. She completely tortures him in the name of "big hugs" and he never utters a cry about it. He just watches her with awe (or confusion? (= ).
4) You are a great sleeper throughout the day. And not such a great sleeper at night. This makes for a tired but loving mommy. You don't necessarily cry- you grunt! Over and over and louder and louder. You don't like to sleep by yourself and though I know it's horrible... I usually give in and put you in bed with me. With pillows around me and on my tummy to ensure I don't turn over accidentally... but who's kidding who, I don't really sleep with you! We've had several come-to-jesus talks about this, and yet, we've made little progress. This is the week! (=
5) You have the ability to burp as loud as any full grown man I know.
6) You eat as if it's your last meal constantly... which is good because you're already getting a little pudgy! There's something about baby fat rolls that are just the cutest!
Another fun day at Dance... she looked more like a figure skater in that black leotard than a ballerina! HA HA!
tara, he is soooo precious! the dimples are too much. he is really so precious. glad he is such a great baby too! you are lucky. looking forward to meeting him tomorrow night! good luck with bed bootcamp!
he is SO cute!!!!!
Awwww- Happy 2 months "Rincoln"- what fun times you are having! Love the dimples!!!
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